Friday, October 07, 2011

Bread for the Soul

I was excited to learn this past week that I had won a drawing to receive two books from Anna Larsen Books. The drawing was coordinated through Jane Meyer's blog, The Woman and the Wheat, which is quickly becoming a favorite read for me. Jane combines down-to-earth wisdom with a searching soul and a writer's knack for serving up the concoction in the most palatable presentation possible. And there's bread! Both physical and spiritual...

Take, for instance, this excerpt from Jane's latest post, "Emily," which I found spiritually nourishing:
I have never been homeless or lacking. I have never been broken, betrayed, battered or cast aside. My concern for other people’s sorrows is superficial and ultimately fits my schedule. And until I am placed in their position, all I can do is keep offering sandwiches and a smile, with no pretense that I am saving the world.
Jane has a special corner of her website dedicated to Simple Gifts where you can find, among other things, Anna Larsen's books. It is well worth your while to browse these offerings next time you want to give a gift that is "good for the soul."


Molly Sabourin said...

Congratulations on your new books! The Woman and the Wheat is one of my favorite blogs as well. Jane's last post, "Emily" was quite thought provoking and soul stirring. I am thankful for her generous spirit. And thank you again for your own powerful contribution to the Readers and Writers series. I look forward to becoming more familiar with your work and uplifting perspectives on faith and art!

Jonathan Kotinek said...

Thanks for visiting Molly! We've received the Ringtail books and already incorporated them into our bedtime routine. Noah was especially excited about this because he was already familiar with some of the Sonoran Desert imagery from a kids book I picked up last year when I visited Phoenix.

I'm enjoying reading your blog, too. You've got me thinking about how to respond to your challenge to describe growth.